Release Form
Think Between the Lines (TBtL) Events and the Kink Between the Lines (KBtL) Conference are multi-faceted spaces that offer opportunities to expand thinking about marginalization, minoritization, diversity, and inclusion. Through education, participants think through personal and systemic oppressions in ways that shine a light on injustices and the diverse populations existing and participating in kink, BDSM, the lifestyle, and its communities. TBtL Events and the KBtL Conference offer space for all kinky people regardless of personal identities of diversity and regardless of knowledge or status within their individual communities. TBtL Events and the KBtL Conference are owned and held liable by the organization De Fiets- en Hondenstop (DFHS). In consideration of their services, I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless De Fiets- en Hondenstop, Think Between the Lines Events, and the Kink Between the Lines Conference (hereinafter collectively referred to as "DFHS/TBtL/KBtL" or any combination thereof) including their agents, officers, volunteers, and all other persons acting on their behalf, on behalf of myself, my biological and lawful family, my assigns, personal representatives and estate, from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my voluntary participation in any activity with DFHS/TBtL/KBtL.
General Policy
All classes, events, social time or other activities I witness, engage in or in which I participate at KBtL may include subject matter dealing with kink, BDSM, mature and/or sexual content; and diversity, inclusion, minoritization, and marginalization. I understand and agree that by entering any KBtL space that I may have different understandings or experiences of what is being discussed, offered, conversed about, or otherwise engaged in than other attendees, volunteers, presenters, or staff. I hereby certify that I assume full responsibility for myself and my actions for any emotional damages or injury resulting from my willing participation at DFHS/TBtL/KBtL events.
I am at least 18 years of age at the time of my registration for KBtL. I understand that in order to attend KBtL I will need to provide proof that I am 18 years of age or older should this become necessary or called into question. I also understand that I must verify my age on Discord in order to gain access to the event space. I understand that reverification of my age only occurs if I leave the server and come back, and that reverification will occur each time this happens. I understand that children (anyone under the age of 18) are not permitted to attend, watch, participate in, or be present at any part of the KBtL Conference.
I understand that each registration is valid for one attendee only. Additional tickets must be purchased for all attendees even when they are joining from the same device. Sharing screens, Zoom links, or individual information about the event or individuals involved in it is strictly forbidden. I understand that during the live event, I may only be present in one space (Zoom room/Gather room) at a time, and that accessing multiple sessions at one time is against KBtL rules and policies. I understand that this policy is in place regardless of my personal preferences and that If I am caught, I may be removed and banned from the current and/or future events and no refund will be given. I understand if I experience financial barriers to attendance that I am welcome to apply for a scholarship or volunteer to receive free or discounted admission.
I agree that I am not acting in the capacity of, as a member of, or under the direct of, any law enforcement, regulatory, or postal agency. I agree that I am not attending KBtL for the purpose of entrapment or to gather information and/or testimony that would lead to (or further the arrest or prosecution of) the organizers, presenters, volunteers, or attendees of KBtL, or any individual known to be associated with the organizers, presenters, volunteers, or attendees of KBtL. Furthermore, I agree that I am not acting in the capacity of, as a member of, or under the direction of any media agency. I agree that I will not publish or submit any kind of publication information, writings, photographs, audio recordings, video recordings, or any other records of activities regarding KBtL, without having received an explicit written and signed contract from the owner of DFHS/TBtL/KBtL.
I further state that all events I either participate in or witness shall remain confidential. I understand that I may share information I have learned over the course of the event. I understand that unless I have been given permission, I may not share identifying features of stories shared with me. I understand that participants are acting as consenting adults in private situations, conforming to the event rules and guidelines.
I understand that KBtL has its own rules and guidelines and that it follows the rules and guidelines of the programs utilized to make KBtL a usable international event. I also understand that as a participant, I must also agree to follow the Terms of Service of the programs KBtL uses; including but not limited to: Discord, Zoom, and Gather. I agree to abide by these rules and guidelines at all times during the event. I understand that I may be required to leave this event for violations of its rules and guidelines, and that I may not be issued a refund.
I understand that each registration is valid for one attendee only. Additional tickets must be purchased for all attendees even when they are joining from the same device. Sharing screens, Zoom links, or individual information about the event or individuals involved in it is strictly forbidden. I understand that this policy is in place regardless of my personal preferences and that if I am caught, I may be removed and banned from the current and/or future events and that no refund will be given. I understand that if I experience financial barriers to attendance that I am welcome to apply for a scholarship or volunteer to receive free or discounted admission.
I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portion shall remain in full force and effect.
I understand that any violation of the above (and below) rules may result in being prohibited from accessing this event and no refund will be given.
Privacy Policy
By registering for this event, I understand that most sessions will be recorded. I will have the option to have my camera and microphone turned off, and the ability to change my display name if I choose to attend recorded sessions and remain anonymous.
I understand that as a part of KBtL I will need to pay attention to and respect each participant’s Direct Message (DM) role. I understand that when engaging with attendees through DM (also called private message or "PM") during and related to KBtL, I must abide by all KBtL rules and policies.
I understand that my personal anonymized information, such as demographics, number of people registered for an event, and any questions I answer about my registration, etc., may be used for general statistical purposes and/or funding prospects. I understand that my information will not be used associated with any of my legal or identifying information (ie: chosen name). I understand that I have the right to determine how this information is used and can do so when I fill out my personal information.
I understand that while TBtL provides these rules and policies that it is not liable in cases where the rules are broken. I understand that TBtL will do its utmost best to protect the privacy of all its participants in every way possible. I understand if I notice a possible privacy violation that I will report the incident to DFHS/TBtL/KBtL as applicable. I understand that if I share information to DFHS/TBtL/KBtL or its affiliates that is required by law to be shared that my privacy may not be confidential thereinafter.
I agree that I will not use any kind of screen capture or take photos of the event. This applies to session spaces (such as Zoom) as well as community spaces (such as Discord and Gather). I understand that if I am caught doing so during or after the event that I will be removed from the event without a refund and that I may be prevented from attending future TBtL/KBtL Events.
I understand that it is my right to view and/or ask for a copy of the official privacy policy for TBtL and DFHS. I understand that I may be required to share legal information for purposes of registration and age verification. I understand that the legal information I provide is only what is strictly needed for the current event I am registering for and will only be viewed by no more than the necessary top level staff members. I understand that if I attend multiple TBtL/KBtL Events that I may be required to submit my legal information for each event I attend.
I understand that my information will be kept confidential except in cases relating to emergencies or those pertaining to legal action as outlined in the TBtL Privacy Policy. I understand that if my information will be shared, the TBtL Producer will make every effort in informing me, as soon as it is known, that my personal and or legal information will be shared, with whom, and why.
I understand that information collected about presenter’s classes (including but not limited to: title and description of sessions, feedback, number of attendees, etc.) may be shared with the presenter of those classes, organizers of other events, and for general, sponsorship, advertising, and social media purposes.
Consent Policy
All sessions and events during KBtL require all attendees who are visible on camera to wear and cover all "nips and bits." I agree to keep all play and sexual acts off camera.
I understand that DFHS/TBtL/KBtL hold very liberal organizational standards and will, as such, only engage with police, emergency services, tax, or other legal entities when all/most other outlets for resolution have been attempted, or for required legal purposes. I further understand that TBtL is especially conscious of the populations it serves and recognizes the disconnect between those populations and much of the word’s law enforcement personnel. I understand that TBtL will absolutely prioritize marginalized people and their safety from law enforcement wherever possible by engaging in transformative justice and harm-reduction strategies first. I understand that if I am uncertain if a participant other than myself is possibly at risk that I will engage with the staff of the event (including but not limited to the Consent and Emotional Care team) and that I will not engage with law enforcement without explicit written and signed consent from the parties involved uless I am personally in the moment fearful for my life, safety, or extended long term wellbeing as defined by the local law where I am physically located at the time of the incident.
I understand that if I share information with a CEC team member that the information is considered private and confidential except in the following situations: [If the team member feels any kind of sanction should occur, In the case that there are concerns of non-consensual harm (to oneself or to others), In the case of consent violations (see below), In the case where I authorize information to be shared].
I understand that cases of consent violations that took place outside of DFHS/TBtL/KBtL will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
I understand that KBtL defines consent as the act of ensuring that all people involved in any activity are given the explicit opportunity to give their permission, while being able to comprehend what is going on and enthusiastically choose to engage. I understand that consent is clearly and freely given/asked for and that consent may be withdrawn at any time for any reason. I understand that the policies on consent apply to all parties, even those that have pre-existing agreements within their relationship(s) and that I may need to alter my behavior or express explicitly the consent that exists in order to prevent violating other attendees’ consent as witnesses of my interactions for/with myself and/or my partner(s).
I understand that TBtL takes consent very seriously. I understand that all reports will be investigated fully and those found to have violated another person’s consent during a TBtL hosted event may be removed from the event without a refund. I further understand that violations also may result in prevention from attending future events. I understand that while rare, making intentionally false reports of consent violations may result in removal and/or prevention of TBtL events.
I understand that having a history of complaints against me (including but not limited to having been removed from one or more other events) does not automatically mean I will not be welcome at or with DFHS/TBtL/KBtL events or services. I understand that my honesty in these situations is appreciated and that intentionally withholding related information may result in my removal or prevention of attendance at or with DFHS/TBtL/KBtL events or services. I undrstand that all instances and participants are handled on a case-by-case basis and that submitting multiple reports or requests under different names may result in my removal/prevention at or with events or services. I understand that I may request information about my case (including but not limited to opening, general information, or closing a case) by emailing DFHS or TBtL.
I understand that all KBtL events have a Consent and Emotional Care (hereinafter referred to as CEC) team. I understand that CEC team members have participated in some form of training that qualifies them to assist participants with a variety of issues that may come up during the event. I further understand that CEC team members may not act as a therapist or other mental health care professional specifically for me in the short- or long term settings. I understand that KBtL aims to staff the CEC team at each event with people of a variety of personal identities in order to assist in making individuals seeking help feel most comfortable; I further understand that it is not possible for all individual minoritized/marginalized identities to be represented within the CEC team.
I understand that all reported consent violations will be shared with the event producer in which basic information (including the date/approximate time the violation occurred; if the violation occurred at TBtL/KBtL, whether it was in a public (Zoom, main Discord or Gather channels/spaces) or in private (Zoom 1-1 chat, DM/PM, or live in person); if the person reporting was a witness or experienced the report by themselves; and, if the person wishes for action to be taken as a result of the report, any other persons, attendees or otherwise, who are directly or indirectly related to the incident). I understand that my personal information will not be shared without my explicit consent.
I understand that there are some situations in which consent cannot happen as indicated by law. I understand that TBtL differentiates lawful situations based on possibility of providing harm and some examples of when lawful consent cannot occur include (but is not limited to) when people are actively intoxicated, when people are legally unable to consent for themselves (either permanently or temporarily), or when people have been coerced or harassed into a situation.
I understand that if I experience or witness an incident that I believe is a consent violation or consent accident that I may reach out to a CEC team member and address the situation directly.
I understand that negotiation is an important part of consent. I understand that negotiating my boundaries and expectations is important and is expected of me when engaging with KBtL text, audio and video situations.
I understand that TBtL differentiates between consent accidents and consent violations as the following.
Accidents occur when someone unintentionally acts, accidentally or through ambiguous communication/miscommunication, or because of an honest misunderstanding, or through the unintentional failure to communicate and/or negotiate an interaction or boundary. Consent accidents do not "feel good" but they are not inherently violations; however, repeated accidents may be considered violations.
Violations occur when someone intentionally chooses to act, or intentionally ignores, or intentionally does something beyond a person’s stated or negotiated boundaries or who creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment that makes consent not possible. Intentionally not asking for consent is an automatic violation. Violations of consent can be committed by any person regardless of their role or relationship. Consent violations are automatic when engaging with someone in a situation aforementioned as when consent cannot happen or in situations where someone is incapable of giving knowing, explicit, and voluntary consent.
Diversity Policy
I understand that KBtL is a space that welcomes all attendees. Any bullying, threatening of attendees, discrimination, or hate speech of any kind (on camera, Zoom, chat, Discord, etc.) as determined by any KBtL staff member, will result in immediate removal from KBtL, without a refund; and may result in prevention from future KBtL or TBtL Events.
I agree to respect all participants and practice assuming best intentions. I agree to use correct information where possible and agree to avoid unwelcome, rude, or inappropriate comments, slurs, gestures, etc., when engaging at KBtL.
I understand that people may use different names for themselves in various settings. I agree to use the name associated with each person as indicated by each person’s self. I understand that if I’m not sure how to refer to someone, the most appropriate option is to ask. I understand that others may ask me how they should refer to me. I understand that if I have received repeated accidental or intentional notice that I am using a name for any participant that is NOT the name they’ve been asked to be referred to,that I may be removed from the event without refund.
I also understand and agree that by entering any KBtL virtual space that all staff, volunteers, and presenters hold some form of minoritized/marginalized identity and I may not police or otherwise self-determine another person’s identity regardless of what I may feel, think, suspect, or experience. I agree to treat all persons with respect and acknowledge all identities of diversity/minority/marginalization are experienced differently.
I agree to only use the correct pronoun of each person as indicated by each person. I understand that sometimes people’s pronouns change based on the situation. I agree to respect each person by using their chosen pronoun for each situation. In situations where a person’s pronoun is unknown, I agree to use gender neutral they/them/theirs until I have been informed of the pronoun used and will subsequently switch to their correct pronoun.
I understand that outing is not acceptable under any circumstance or for any reason. TBtL defines outing as the process of revealing another person’s identity (traditionally LGBTQ+ identities, but also may be used for any non-obvious marginalized identity including their kink identity) without their permission. I understand that TBtL considers outing to be a form of bullying/harassment neither of which are tolerated at/during or in relation to any event.
Plural Policy
The staff at KBtL recognise the complexity of navigating any environment as a system. This policy is in place to clarify how we handle those complexities for our convention. In this policy, we is used to refer to the whole of a system, alters refers to individuals within the system, and *plurality* refers to bodies that identify as multiple individuals. Our Discord server uses PluralKit to help alters express themselves in conversation.
We agree that our physical body is at least 18 years of age and that any alters who are mentally under 18 years of age will not attend convention sessions.
We agree that the actions of any alter within our system will be treated as the responsibility of the entire system. Any behaviour that violates policy will be preferentially discussed with the alter responsible, but may need to be handled by whichever alter is available. Multiple violations by different alters will be treated as multiple violations by the whole system.
Presenters/Volunteers Policy
I understand that if I am a paid presenter and I violate any of the rules outlined above that I may be removed from the event and that I may be denied my presenter payment in part or in full. I understand that any perks of being a presenter, including for volunteer presenters, are not exchangeable for payment.
As a presenter, I understand that I ONLY represent myself and NOT DFHS/TBtL/KBtL.
As a volunteer, I understand that I am an acting representative of DFHS/TBtL/KBtL and that my actions will reflect that while I am volunteering.
- I am at least 18 years old and agree to be age verified by a staff member.
- I will not share my screen with non-registered humans.
- I will not record or screenshot any of the event for any reason.
- I will only be in one virtual place (Zoom room/Gather room) at a time.
- I will not be nude on camera or participate in play while on camera.
- I will respect other’s pronouns to the best of my ability and ask if I am unsure of how to refer to someone.
- I will respect the consent of others and ask if I am unsure of their wishes.
Cookie Policy
Our site is hosted on Cloudflare, which uses some cookies to provide security and performance features. We only use strictly necessary cookies for these particular features.
License Information
This website uses the jekyll-nagymaros
theme as a basis for it's layout. This theme is subject to the MIT License included below:
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Michele Piazzai
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.